Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The first two weeks

All kisses from my big sister on my two-week birthday!

A beautiful picture Melissa Burkholder took in the hospital

Still in the hosptial...

We pray that he grows into his feet! ;-) I think he's going to have his Dad's size 14's!!

Getting ready for his first car ride and to see his home!

Today - TWO WEEKS OLD!!!

Charlie is now two weeks old and is doing great. He is a great baby and is sleeping four to five hours!! Reagan, of course, is a fantastic big sister and is constantly caring about him! She wants to feed him and burp him and does a great job!
Charlie is gaining weight rapidly - has surpassed his birth weight of 8 lbs 9 ounces - to 9 lbs 7 ounces!! He loves to eat!!
Thanks again to everyone who has helped with the transition - especially my parents! We couldn't have done it without you! Reagan is sure going to miss you when you go back to the desert!


Melisa DeWitt said...

Congratulations! We're so happy to hear you are all doing well. Looking forward to seeing you soon:)

Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

Hey girly, I made a print of that picture for ya and it should be here tomorrow. ;)

You guys look like you're one happy family!! I'm so glad things are going well for you all. Love and Hugs